Best Alternative BuySellAds for Low traffic blogs
Best Buysellads Alternative For Low Traffic Blogs
It’s a Lovely Day You have applied for Next bright morning
when you open your laptop login into your account and see that you have been
rejected due to scarcity of traffic or not sufficient capability of passing the
BuySellAds requirements, So What Now? Everything is ended? NO, nothing is
erroneous. BuySellAds have better reputation then that of their alternatives but that
BuySiteAds (similar to BSA) first let’s take a look at Adsella. Adsella is an
advertising platform for publishers who have either less popular blog or have other
content. Registration for AdSella is very simple and activation is done with ease.
Once registered you can choose your location for placingad banner’s medium size
rectangles or large size rectangles. Then a nice long description about your site will
give a nice memorandum to advertisers. Then the description of the place where
you have the space for ads. Once done then choose your price. Please choose the
price according to your monthly impressions. You can also select the amount of
time you want to display your ads. For ex if you want to display ads for only 7
days you can set the period of advertisement to 7days or if you want to display ad
for a month so you can set your period of advertisement for 30days. Then enter
your paypal email ID so advertisers can pay you the desired money. If you have a
blog with good niche and impressions per month you can even set rates above
100$. Overall Adsella is an excellent alternative for BSA and a good source to make some serious Money.
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